Have you ever been woken up from sleep halfway in the middle of the night because of an unbearable ache in the tooth? Or, have you undergone the trauma of being hit by a ball that made a tooth come out of its socket? Toothaches are one of the worst painful experiences. Severe toothaches easily disrupt one’s everyday normal life. When you suffer from a nasty ache in the tooth it becomes practically impossible to concentrate on anything.

But as far as dental emergencies are concerned, toothaches are not the only way for which one may require urgent dental care and treatment. A dental emergency may range from anything that causes unbearable pain in the mouth, uncontrolled or nonstop bleeding from the oral cavity, injuries to the soft tissues in the mouth, breaking the teeth or the jaw to infections that set in the mouth. 

In the following sections of the blog post let us explore the various types of dental emergencies and what you should do in those circumstances till you reach a dental clinic. If you ever suffer from any of these situations you must rush to a dentist who provides emergency treatments.

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Different types of dental emergencies and what you should do in those situations


A toothache can completely disrupt the normal course of your life for days. The pain can be so severe that calling it unbearable could be nothing more than an understatement. An ache in the tooth may occur because of various reasons. One of the most common factors behind it is a damaged tooth resulting from an untreated decay. At times the pain can be so tormenting that you literally cannot wait till the morning for dental offices to resume their service.   

Severe pain in the tooth becomes even more torturous when you lie down. If the pain spreads to the entire jaw that too becomes quite unbearable. This type of pain is a dental emergency. It needs the immediate intervention of a dentist. The worst thing is when this type of emergency dental situation arises suddenly without any prior notice on a holiday or at night when dental surgeries are closed. We hope you never find yourself in such an unfortunate and adverse situation. But in case you do then here are a few tips to manage the pain temporarily till you get the chance to reach an oral health practice.

One of the best emergency dentists in London suggests trying out an OTC painkiller. It could provide you with much-needed relief to some extent or the other. You may also apply ice to the affected area from outside. Applying ice or cold packs can also reduce swelling and inflammation if any.  Rinsing the mouth with warm water also proves helpful in reducing the pain and discomfort to some extent or the other.

However, it is important to remember that all these remedies only offer temporary relief and not any permanent solution to the problem. You must schedule an emergency appointment with a dentist as early as it is possible to secure proper treatment.

Fractured or broken tooth

Cases of fractured or broken teeth are common for dentists. Yes, the teeth can be broken. In some cases, a tooth or teeth may even entirely come out of its socket. These instances are common for both children and adults alike. The question is how you will tackle such situations. First, you should try an emergency appointment with a dentist. Locate the dislodged tooth or teeth and drop it in a cup of cold water or milk. This keeps the roots of the tooth alive longer. While handling the tooth or teeth, make sure to handle it only by its crown or the top. Do not touch its bottom where the roots and the nerves remain present. It is also important to avoid cleaning the tooth yourself. Let the emergency dentist attending you perform all the necessary tasks for you. It is important to reach a dentist early in these situations. Otherwise, it may not be possible to retain the injured tooth or teeth and you will go toothless.

If you sustain injuries to the soft tissues of the gum gently bite down gauze, a cotton ball, or simply a clean piece of cloth. 

Dental abscess

When a dental caries or an infection is left ignored and untreated it may develop into a dental abscess. An oral abscess is a collection of pus at the root of a tooth. Severe cases of a dental abscess can be unbearably painful. It may also lead you to develop sensitivity to hot and cold foods (and drinks). There can also be a fever because of the dental condition. If the condition is not properly treated it can gradually progress to affect the neck and the jaw. Many people suffering from dental abscesses also develop difficulties in breathing in extreme stages points out a renowned Emergency Dentist London. If a dental abscess is not properly treated on time, it can even lead to death.

Therefore if you ever come across any swelling on the gums or the face accompanied by pain and tooth decay it is important to see your dentist promptly. There is no point in keeping treatments withheld in these conditions.

Fractured jaw

A fractured jaw may result from facial trauma. It requires prompt treatment by a dentist. The wounds require to be cleaned and the fractured bones must be brought back into their original positions to ensure proper fixing. Otherwise, a patient may suffer from permanent malformation.

Loose and broken dental crowns

Dental crowns can get loose and under unusually heavy force the appliances may even break. Why are these crowns used? These crowns are meant to restore the size, shape, strength, and functioning of a damaged and weak tooth. in other words, when a crown becomes loose or breaks your protected tooth becomes vulnerable to damage.  

Qualified oral health practitioners working at Emergency Dentist in London suggest if a crown becomes loose or comes out, you should save it carefully. It is better to preserve it in a container. Avoid eating hard foods, like candy, nuts, celery, and meat at this stage. Chew from the other side of the mouth that is intact. Call the office of your dentist and schedule an emergency appointment. after examining the crown and your teeth the dental team may fix the appliance or you may have to get a new crown which is a costlier option.
